LOG-IN with your Username and Password
- Forgot your Username and/or Password?
- Contact
Client Support for assistance.
Select courses from the Course Catalog
- Click "Search Courses" icon.
- You can search by Keyword, or narrow your search by entering a Category.
- Click on "+ Cart" button. Only 1 step!
- You may select additional courses by selecting "Continue Shopping" or finish and pay by selecting
"Checkout" on the pop-up screen.
To see your Certificate
- Click the "My Certificates" Icon.
- Certificate will be available after passing the Exam and completing the Evaluation.
- Select Non License Specific or your license from the drop down box.
- For CE certificates, your license information must be in My Licenses.
- You can view and print your certificates by clicking the icon in "Download Certificate" column.
To see how many Credit Hours you need
- Select the "My Credentials" Icon or License Requirements tab.
- For your license, click "View" in the "License Requirements" column.
- The number of hours needed for license, maximum on-line education hours and contact information
for your licensing board are located here.